Irfan Yar is the founder and former managing director of the Afghanistan Security Institute (ASI). He has worked with the World Food Programme in Italy, the Global Counterterrorism Institute (USA) as a lecturer, the Macdonald Laurier Institute, the Embassy of Afghanistan (Ottawa), the Observer Research Foundation, and Carnegie India. Irfan holds two master’s degrees—an MA in Areas Studies and an MA in International Affairs from the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs (Ottawa). He completed his BA. Honors in Political Science. His area of interest focuses on Afghanistan, terrorism, and radicalism. His latest peer-reviewed article is “How the Taliban mobilized popular support to survive the US war in Afghanistan”. He has frequently published many papers and has written columns in many national and international outlets, including The Hill Times, The National Post, The Toronto Sun, The Mint, The Epoch Times, The Diplomat Magazines, and elsewhere. Irfan speaks Pashto, English, Dari/Persian, Urdu/Hindi, basic German, and Arabic.