Jorge Fernando Quiroga
Jorge Fernando Quiroga
President of Bolivia (2001-2002)

Jorge Fernando Quiroga
President of Bolivia (2001-2002)

Jorge Fernando Quiroga was the president of Bolivia from 2001 to 2002. Before that, he was vice president and president of Congress from 1997-2001 and Vice Minister of Planning for Public Investment and International Cooperation in 1990-1992. He began his political career by joining the Acción Democrática Nacionalista (ADN) party. In 1989 he became Under-Secretary of Public Investment and International Cooperation at the Ministry of Planning and in 1992 he became Minister of Finance. Thereafter he was named governor of the World Bank, IFC, and the IMF, as well as of the Andean Development Corporation (CAF).
Born in Cochabamba in 1960, Quiroga graduated summa cum laude in Industrial Engineering at the College Station of Texas A&M University and obtained a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from the University of St. Edward’s in Austin Texas. After that, he worked in the private sector at IBM, in Texas. In 1988 he returned to Bolivia where he worked for Mintec, a Bolivian mining company. He later became vice president of Projects and Investment at the Merchant Bank of Bolivia.