Dr David Brewster is one of Australia’s leading experts on the Australia’s security relationships in South Asia and the Indian Ocean region. He is a Senior Research Fellow with the National Security College and a Distinguished Research Fellow with the Australia India Institute. Dr Brewster’s books include India as an Asia Pacific power, about India’s strategic role in the Asia Pacific and India’s Ocean: the story of India’s bid for regional leadership which examines India’s strategic ambitions in the Indian Ocean. His latest edited volume is India and China at Sea: Competition for Naval Dominance in the Indian Ocean. Dr Brewster’s research interests include Australia’s defence and security relations in the Bay
of Bengal. Some recent reports include:
- Governing Bangladesh's maritime space: An assessment of Bangladesh's maritime
challenges and maritime domain awareness capabilities - New Indo-Pacific Partnership: Building Australia-Bangladesh Security Ties
- Maritime Domain Awareness 3.0: The Future of Maritime Information and Intelligence Sharing in the Indian Ocean
- Governing Sri Lanka’s maritime space: : An assessment of Bangladesh's maritime challenges and maritime domain awareness capabilities
Dr Brewster regularly works on projects funded by DFAT and Defence. His current projects include MDA capability assessments for Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Maldives and examining regional MDA information sharing arrangements.